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Changes to Ontario Cabinet Announced

Jun 18, 2021, 17:09 PM by Mortgage Professionals Canada
We thank the Ontario Government for working with mortgage brokering community.
On behalf of the Board and our members in Ontario, Mortgage Professionals Canada (MPC) sends its best wishes to the Ontario Government on today’s Cabinet changes announced by Premier Doug Ford. Several MPPs who are part of today’s ministerial portfolio changes have played important roles in MPC’s solid stakeholder relationship with the government. We wish to acknowledge them.

We thank Stan Cho, who was the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance, and an integral conduit for MPC to the government. Of particular relevance to our mortgage brokering community, Mr. Cho led on the implementation of his recommendations made in the recent MBLAA review, and in helping to ensure FSRA’s first months of existence were successful and its foundations solid. Mr. Cho now becomes Associate Minister of Transportation. We wish Mr. Cho great success. MPC will continue to work with Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy and his staff, as well as his new Parliamentary Secretary, to be announced.

We thank Prabmeet Sarkaria, who is moving from being Associate Minister of Small Business to become President of the Treasury Board. Mr. Sarkaria and his staff were in frequent communication with MPC about red tape reduction and other issues of concern to MPC members. We thank Minister Sarkaria for his outreach and efforts. Nina Tangri, the new Associate Minister, is an MPP who MPC has held meetings with and maintains good communications with through her role representing Mississauga-Streetsville. We look forward to working with Ms. Tangri in her new ministry.

We thank Lisa Thompson, now-former Minister of Consumer and Government Services, who will become Minister of Agriculture. Minister Thompson also provided excellent stakeholder relations, especially on her work to strengthen privacy protection for Ontario consumers. Indeed, Minister Thompson sent MPC a personal invitation this week to provide input and guidance on possible privacy protection reforms. We look forward with working with the new minister, Ross Romano, on this and other relevant issues.

Finally, we thank Premier Ford for leading his government as it improves consumer protections and reduces red tape, and for ensuring strong relations with MPC members and Ontario’s mortgage brokering community.

Building on our meetings with Ontario MPPs from all parties earlier this month, we look forward to our meetings with many Ontario Government officials in the near future. 
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