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Continuing Education (CE) is essential for increasing efficiency and productivity to stay competitive. Designed to fit the needs of our members and conveniently offered through events and online courses, Mortgage Professionals Canada CE provides timely and relevant information to ensure mortgage professionals have the knowledge and capabilities to understand current business trends and succeed in their profession.
There are three ways to obtain CE units:
Mortgage Professionals Canada is pleased to offer online courses and webinars on pertinent topics and issues facing the mortgage industry. Many online offerings are free to Mortgage Professionals Canada members.
Mortgage Professionals Canada offers a wide variety of events throughout the year designed to deliver the tools and skills to help mortgage professionals advance their business.
Mortgage Professionals Canada pre-approves courses that meet the CE requirements for designation holders, such as those offered by CMHC, Canada Guaranty and Sagen. Courses taken through third party providers that meet the approved subject areas may qualify for CE units. Contact your course provider to confirm CE unit value.