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Nos excuses! Il y a une interruption temporaire de notre système. Nous aurons le plaisir de vous aider par téléphone en composant le 1-888-442-4625 ou par courriel à l’adresse formation@mpc.ca.

How to Become a Member

Association membership is offered on a corporate basis only.

  • For mortgage brokerages: The provincial licensing model is followed. Fees are calculated based on the number of licensed individuals within the company.
    • Why are dues based on licence counts? From its inception, members have asked that any membership fee structure follow a model that ensures fairness in how dues are distributed. Several models have been reviewed over the years, including mortgage volume, staff count, etc. It was ultimately decided that the fairest and most verifiable approach is to use the number of licensed individuals. This model aligns with provincial regulators, and with our primary role, which was, and remains today, to act as an advocate for the interests of the mortgage broker channel.
  • For other industry participants: A corporate fee applies. Please contact membership@mpc.ca for details.

To apply for membership, please download and complete the PDF Application Form and return to membership@mpc.ca. We encourage all members to download and read the Association Bylaws and the Code of Conduct.


PDF Application Form



Still unsure about membership with MPC? Contact us to learn more and to discuss your options!


Contact Us


Dual-Membership with the AMBA

A partnership between the Alberta Mortgage Brokers Association (AMBA) and Mortgage Professionals Canada (MPC) was created in response to stakeholder feedback asking for a more unified approach to association representation. We have been working with AMBA to identify more effective ways to better serve our collective members. Streamlining key areas such as education, government relations, consumer outreach and member communications drive efficiencies, enhance member value and provide a strong and united industry voice.

For more information about the dual membership with AMBA, please contact us at membership@mpc.ca.


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