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Course Catalogue


Continuing Education

The growing impact of cyberattacks on the mortgage industry means it is imperative that everyone within the industry participates in the prevention and detection of these threats with thorough and updated cybersecurity measures.
After completing this course, you should be able to:

• Define terminology related to cybersecurity 
• Identify who is responsible for the security of the workplaces and its clients’ files 
• Distinguish between types of cyberattacks 
• Recommend best practices for thwarting cyberattacks 
• Identify the reasons for creating a proactive cybersecurity strategy
• Identify the importance of conducting a comprehensive risk assessment as part of the workplace’s cybersecurity strategy
• Determine the best action to assess and manage cybersecurity risk 

Therefore, at the end of this course you should understand and apply best practices, as appropriate, in your daily operations to protect against cyberattacks and prevent harm to clients’ interests. This course offers 3 continuing education credits in the professional development category.

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