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Councils, committees, and working groups serve as a vital link between the organization and our members. They provide valuable insight to the Board of Directors and/or staff on industry issues, trends, and emerging areas of interest. They also serve as an incubator for future directors.
These groups come in different sizes and shapes, depending on their purpose. Time-limited working groups and sub-committees may be formed to address specific issues as needed. This is a great way to get involved and become more engaged with the Association and help shape the industry.
Serving in each region across Canada, chapters are a pillar of the association, ensuring that local needs are addressed. Each Chapter is comprised of members from within the region who provide important input on industry and regulatory issues and discuss emerging trends and issues specific to their regions as well as provide input, advice, and recommendations in the areas of education, professionalism, networking, and regional events.
The following committees and working groups are convened as needed.
Provides input and feedback regarding our communications vehicles and strategy, including member communications, social media, news site, magazines, and consumer advertising.
Government Relations
Identifies issues related to our industry at the provincial and federal levels and advocates with officials to ensure our collective voice is heard. Selected participants will also support the Association’s
advocacy efforts in Ottawa and provincially.
Helps grow membership and achieve a high level of satisfaction through the provision of quality services, benefits, and programs. Works to develop a high level of member engagement.
Professional Standards and Education
Encourages high standards of professional and ethical practice in the mortgage industry and focuses on education and professional standards strategy. The education component is responsible for
the development and the delivery entry-level, licensing, and ongoing education programs for mortgage professionals and the creation and ongoing maintenance of the mortgage designation programs.