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Nos excuses! Il y a une interruption temporaire de notre système. Nous aurons le plaisir de vous aider par téléphone en composant le 1-888-442-4625 ou par courriel à l’adresse formation@mpc.ca.

Advocacy Days

We are proud to be the industry that provides homebuyers with choice when making the most important financial decision of their lives. Our top priorities are making housing more affordable and helping Canadians achieve the dream of home ownership.

Advocacy days are an opportunity to reinforce and expand MPC’s relationships at the federal and provincial levels, educate stakeholders about the role of a broker, and to reiterate some of our advocacy requests. We use advocacy days as an opportunity to meet a diverse group of stakeholders, including Ministers, ministerial staff, and senior civil servants to raise awareness of the concerns of our membership and to highlight our policy asks with key decision-makers across government.

We are looking forward to our upcoming provincial advocacy days in British Columbia and Ontario in Spring 2024, and a later event at Parliament Hill in the fall.

More meetings, more valuable discussions, more opportunities to reinforce the importance of the broker channel to Canadians and our economy.

Centre Block_Parliament Hill

Parliament Hill Lobby Day
October 2023


Ontario Lobby Day
March 2023

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