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You must successfully complete the required continuing education course prior to every second licensing renewal. If you obtained your licence on or after November 1st 2023 or are reinstating your licence, successful completion of this course is required by October 31, 2024, to ensure no delay in processing your renewal.
Mortgage Professionals Canada’s 2023 Nova Scotia Continuing Education Course for Mortgage Brokers and Associate Mortgage Brokers is offered online in HTML format. For the best user experience, a desktop or laptop computer is recommended. Information is presented in modules allowing you to progress at your own pace, whether in one sitting, or a section at a time. The course (approx. 4 hours) includes interactive activities and knowledge check questions to help you remember what you’ve learned. The two topics are: best interest and cybersecurity.
This course is intended for both Mortgage Broker and Associate Mortgage Broker licence holders and must be completed in order to meet the continuing education (CE) requirements of the MRA.
For more information regarding continuing education licence requirements please visit the SNS-IS website for Mortgage Brokers and Associate Mortgage Brokers.
Be sure your online profile reflects your legal name, as licensed, and includes your licence number — without it, your course completion cannot be confirmed with the Regulator!