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Nos excuses! Il y a une interruption temporaire de notre système. Nous aurons le plaisir de vous aider par téléphone en composant le 1-888-442-4625 ou par courriel à l’adresse formation@mpc.ca.

Get Licensed in British Columbia

Becoming a registered mortgage Broker or submortgage Broker is governed by the BC Financial Services Authority (BCFSA). Similarly, the Authority also manages licence renewals, transfers or reinstatements of already registered brokers.

New submortgage brokers need to meet different education and employment requirements in order to enrol in a licensing course. For registering as a new mortgage Broker, the candidates need to register their company with BC Registries and appoint a Designated Individual (DI) who will be accountable for and speak on behalf of the organization.

For more information about the requirements and licensing courses, please visit BCFSA's website.




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