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Semi-Annual State of the Housing Market Report

Two-thirds of mortgage holders are anxious about renewal: report 

Mortgage Professionals Canada is proud to release the Housing Market Report: 2023 Year-End Consumer Survey and Economic Outlook. This survey, conducted by Bond Brand Loyalty between January 9-24, 2024, provides valuable insights into the current state of the housing market and consumer sentiment across Canada.

View the press release

"Canadians are grappling with an unprecedented housing affordability crisis, exacerbated by ongoing high interest rates and economic uncertainty. Our findings highlight the urgent need for policies that address these challenges and support both current and aspiring homeowners. We remain committed to advocating for measures that will make homeownership more accessible and sustainable for Canadians.”

- Lauren van den Berg, President & CEO, Mortgage Professionals Canada

In addition to the publicly available report above, MPC members have exclusive access to the full survey findings!


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