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Who We Are

We are Canada’s mortgage industry association with over 15,000 members and more than 1,000 member firms. We are a non-profit association representing mortgage brokers and agents, as well as banks, lenders, insurers, and service providers, making up the largest network across the country. Forty-five percent of first-time home buyers in Canada choose brokers for their mortgage.

We are proud to be the industry that provides Canadians with choice when making the most important financial decision of their lives and help people achieve the dream of home ownership. You can find one of our licensed members at findmeabroker.ca.


Member firms

Series of images from across Canada

Our History

Founded in 1994, Mortgage Professionals Canada (formerly CAAMP) draws its members from all segments of Canada's mortgage industry

Mortgage Professionals Canada is actively involved in delivering professional development opportunities and hosts regional and national events across Canada

Mortgage Professionals Canada serves as the industry voice with government, media and regulators

Mortgage Professionals Canada's objective is to ensure the Canadian mortgage industry evolves into full professional status supported by the highest standards of professional practice

In 2004, Mortgage Professionals Canada launched the Accredited Mortgage Professional (AMP) designation as part of an ongoing commitment to the Canadian mortgage industry

Mortgage Professionals Canada arms its members with timely industry statistics, publications and research reports


To be THE voice of the mortgage industry in Canada and strategically drive a strong future for the industry.


Advance the mortgage industry by unifying, advising, and engaging all stakeholders as we support homeownership for Canadians.

2024-2029 Strategic Plan

In 2024, our Board of Directors reviewed our strategic plan. Recognizing the post-pandemic world and industry changes, we’ve set a new vision and mission for the next five years. Our strategic pillars will guide our initiatives and governance. 


2024-2029 Strategic Plan


In order to help ensure an effective and efficient mortgage marketplace, Mortgage Professionals Canada works to:

Promote consumer awareness of the benefits of dealing with the mortgage broker channel

Advocate for member interests on legislative and regulatory issues

Develop, monitor and promote responsible mortgage industry standards and conduct

Deliver best-in-class training for mortgage professionals

Provide timely and relevant information to members and mortgage consumers

Our Commitment to Safe and Respectful Events

We recognize the importance of fostering a professional and respectful environment at all our events, courses, and industry gatherings. We are committed to ensuring that every participant feels safe, valued, and supported.

Over the past year, we have taken meaningful steps to strengthen our policies and provide education on appropriate conduct and bystander intervention. These initiatives include:

  • Enhanced Policies – We have reviewed, revised, and reinforced our policies for participation in MPC events, courses, committees, councils, and working groups.
  • Informed Participation – All registrants attending any MPC event must review and agree to the Participant Code of Conduct.
  • Greater Visibility – Our policies are now prominently displayed in the conference mobile app and on-site at events to ensure accessibility and awareness.
  • Education & Training – Prospective MPC students must review and consent to the Learners Code of Conduct before enrolling in any course.
  • On-Site Awareness – We have introduced signage at registration and throughout our events to remind attendees of acceptable behavior and provide guidance on how to report concerns.

MPC remains dedicated to upholding these standards and fostering a culture of professionalism, respect, and accountability.  

Participant Code of Conduct

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