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Advocacy in Action

Mortgage Professionals Canada is the nationally recognized leader in advocacy on behalf of Canada’s mortgage brokering channel. We routinely meet with regulators and policymakers from coast to coast, discussing if and how policy and regulation can be effective in protecting consumers while also ensuring minimal red tape and economic hardship for our members and their clients.

The mortgage brokering channel is growing, and the knowledge our members have about the real estate and lending marketplaces across Canada is of greater value to policymakers every day.


As a non-partisan non-profit organization, we ensure that our advice to government is as neutral and objective as possible.

In February 2021, MPC was recognized by The Hill Times as being the most active lobbyist of federal parliamentarians (as tabulated by the Federal Lobby Registry), and our efforts will continue as we overcome the social and economic effects of the pandemic. Our Hill Day and Hill Week events are important tools which allow for MPC member volunteers to directly discuss the local perspective with their own Members of Parliament. Our advocacy is focused on ensuring decision-making by policymakers includes our reasoned and reasonable input.

As a non-partisan non-profit organization, we ensure that our advice to government is as neutral and objective as possible.

We will also work with key federal entities, including CMHC, OSFI, and the Bank of Canada, as they discuss creating and/or updating policies with Finance Canada and Canada’s provinces and territories.

On the provincial front, our work with provincial regulators is of great importance to our members. We focus on ensuring that MPC is there on behalf of members as policymakers consider changes to provincial legislation and regulations. We have regular meetings with the Mortgage Broker Regulator Council of Canada (MBRCC) and also have open channels with senior officials within all provincial regulatory bodies; BCFSA, RECA, FCAA, MSC, FSRA, AMF, FCNB, SNS. Our relationships with key provincial policymakers, elected or appointed, are exceptional and always improving, and we work well together to find solutions to meet mutual concerns. We also work together with fellow associations and organizations within the real estate industry in Canada, including CREA, CHBA and AIC, to discuss issues of mutual concern and possible combined messaging to government and the public on behalf of our respective memberships.

Government Relations is integral and valued to MPC members and will continue to be. We are very appreciative of the valued relationships we’ve fostered and look forward to our continued representation of our members.

Contact Us

To learn more or get involved with our government relations activities, please contact us at:

: 416-644-5469 / 1-888-442-4625
Email: advocacy@mpc.ca
Corporate Office: Mortgage Professionals Canada 2005 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 401 Toronto, ON M2J 5B4

Group of people socializing at MPC event

Advocacy Days

Federal building

Federal Matters

BC Legislature Building

Provincial Matters

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