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Get Licensed in Newfoundland and Labrador

Mortgage Broker Course

A major advantage of pursuing this career path in Newfoundland and Labrador is the specialized training provided by the Newfoundland and Labrador Mortgage Broker Course. This comprehensive program equips you with valuable insights into the provincial legislation, land registration processes, and business practices. Armed with this specific knowledge, you'll be well-prepared to navigate the local market confidently and competently. Although this course is not yet required for licensing, it is strongly advised that individuals wishing to become a mortgage broker complete this program to learn industry basics, and legislative requirements for conducting mortgage brokering business in Newfoundland. The course is based on the 6th edition textbook Introduction to the Canadian Mortgage Industry.

This course covers all the key mortgage broker topics, skills and knowledge necessary for you to successfully enter the industry as a broker. The broker course is roughly 40 hours online with a final in-person examination. Exam rewrites are available for those students who require it.

Below is a list of the eligibility requirements for licensing:

  • Be a resident of Canada
  • Have a mailing address in Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Register for a license (education is not currently required for registration in NL)

For more detailed information, please visit Service NL's licensing requirements page.


Please review the Course and Cancellation Policies prior to registering.


Register for the online Newfoundland and Labrador Mortgage Broker Course with electronic copy of the textbook.

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Register for the online Newfoundland and Labrador Mortgage Broker Course with a printed copy of the textbook.

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For more information on course policies, content and to review frequently asked questions, click on "More Details" for your desired registration option above.

Sign-Up Bonus Details

Mortgage Professionals Canada's Back to the Fundamentals Virtual Symposium brings together speakers and mentors to help support newcomers to the mortgage industry as well as individuals looking to brush up on mortgage basics.

This offer is only available to MPC students who are registered in an introductory licensing course. Students will automatically receive an emailed invitation to attend the next scheduled Back to the Fundamentals Virtual Symposium for free!

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