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Québec Advocacy Update

Mar 22, 2023, 15:08 PM by Mortgage Professionals Canada
On March 6, a team of MPC Québec members and members our government affairs consulted met with the minister of Finance office to discuss our pre-budget submission.

On March 6, a team of Mortgage Professionals Canada Québec members and members our government affairs consulted met with the minister of Finance office to discuss our pre-budget submission.

The meeting was a good opportunity to reconnect with the minister’s office and enhance our relationships at the provincial level, as well as, to reiterate some of our provincial requests with key decision makers. The Québec budget for 2023-2024 will be tabled on March 22.

We submitted our pre-budget brief in January with the following requests:

  • Increase tax rebate when buying a newly built home;
  • Put forward legislation and regulations to reduce possibilities for real estate brokers to cut deals with banking lenders, thus circumventing the whole mortgage brokerage industry;
  • Give access to some fiscal documents to brokers in order to validate and verify revenue levels of home buyers;
  • Contribute to expand the insurance market to reduce pressure on brokerages and on brokers themselves, and;
  • Promote and facilitate construction of new residential units.

We look forward to keeping you updated on the outcomes of our advocacy efforts, including budget measures targeting housing supply and affordability on March 21.

We will continue to push the federal and provincial governments for policies that help ease housing related cost pressures, to help Canadians to achieve the dream of homeownership and stay in their homes.

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