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AMPC Designation Badge

Accredited Mortgage Professional of Canada

The AMPC Designation Program consists of four mandatory courses and a summative designation examination. The Program is expected to take approximately 40 hours to complete and contains education materials related to basics of real estate transaction in Canada, in depth analysis of residential mortgage underwriting practices, an overview of commercial and specialized mortgage lending, and discussions and case studies of ethical practice in the mortgage industry.

The four mandatory courses are:

Upon successfully completing an AMPC course, members must take the corresponding course exam, which is available within the course portal. The examination details are as follows:
  • Each AMPC course has one exam.
  • All exams consist of multiple-choice questions.
  • A passing score of 75% is required for each exam.
  • The time allotted for the AMPC 1 and AMPC 4 exams is 2 hours.
  • The time allotted for the AMPC 2 and AMPC 3 exams is 3 hours.


Who would be a typical AMPC candidate?


Jane has been a mortgage broker for almost 2 years. She has had some success in her first two years in the business and is fortunate to have found some supportive mentors to help her grow her client list and book of business. She continues to strengthen her relationships with her underwriters and is enjoying the industry. Jane has a strong desire to gain a more thorough understanding of real estate and underwriting, with a focus on providing improved professionalism and expertise for her clients, as well as strengthening her relationships with her underwriters through improved application submission quality and a sympathetic understanding of their respective challenges. All of this will help Jane become more successful.
Michael has worked junior roles in the residential underwriting department for a national mortgage lender for last 5 years, having taken on the role of underwriter just over one year ago. Michael understands that relationship building in this industry is important and feels that being seen as a knowledgeable and trustworthy advisor to his broker partners is how he will strengthen those relationships. He believes that gaining a better understanding of real estate law and underwriting best practices will help him become a stronger underwriter, which in turn will strengthen his industry relationships and set him apart from his peers.


Eligibility Criteria


AMPC for Brokers

Qualification requirements for Brokers to become an Accredited Mortgage Professional of Canada
(Mortgage Originators including Associates, Agents, Salespersons and Submortgage Brokers)

  • Membership: be employed by a Mortgage Professionals Canada member company.
  • Licensing/Registration*: be licensed or registered as a mortgage broker, agent, submortgage broker, associate or salesperson in province(s) of operation AND carry Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance coverage.
  • AMPC Program and Exam: successfully complete the 4 courses within the AMPC program administered by the University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business, and pass all 4 final course exams achieving a minimum grade of 75%.

*If an education component is not a requirement for licensing/registration in a province, the AMPC applicant must show proof of completion of a proficiency course equivalent to entry-level licensing education in another province. The term ‘broker’ is used as a general term representing licensed originators in the brokerage channel; titles by province may vary.

For questions, please contact designation@mpc.ca.


AMPC for Non-Brokers

Qualification requirements for non-brokers to become an Accredited Mortgage Professional of Canada.

*If you’ve completed other training that you think may satisfy the proficiency education requirement, please contact us at designation@mpc.ca with the details.

For all other questions, please contact designation@mpc.ca.



Already completed your AMPC program and ready to apply for your designation? Click the link below to proceed with the online application form. 


Online Application


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