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Canada's Mortgage Designation Programs

Taking Mortgage Skills to the Next Level

In partnership with the Sauder School of Business, Mortgage Professionals Canada’s (MPC) Designation Programs are designed to help members enhance their industry knowledge, improve their technical and management skills, and instill confidence with consumers and industry colleagues. Both Designations are offered in English and French.

Click on the designations below to learn more!


Each Designation builds your knowledge based on the one before, however they are each a stand-alone demonstration of our members’ commitment to self-improvement, professionalism, education and higher learning, and leadership. 

The Programs:

  • The AMPC and PMPC Designations are now available to members for registration, in both English and French. Please click on the buttons above for more information and to enrol.
  • Both Designations are available to purchase as a program (4 courses together) or individually.
  • Quebec Mortgage Broker Licensees – The AMPC has been approved by the AMF for 10 PDUs per course and counts towards your mandatory continuing education requirements to maintain your licence.


Maintaining the Designations:

  • Designation holders will be required to maintain their designation level on an annual basis by completing a required renewal education course, provided by MPC.
  • There is an additional requirement of a minimum of 12 Continuing Education Units (CEU) to be completed annually. The minimum of 12 is to be comprised of 8 CEUs from the Professional Development category and 4 CEUs from the Compulsory category. Included in the 12 CEUs is the annual designation renewal which will be comprised of 1-3 CEUs depending on the year and content. Designation holders can earn CEUs through courses or seminars offered either by MPC or by other approved industry participants. MPC will consider these third-party courses on a case-by-case basis to determine any eligible CE credit attributable.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a Continuing Education Requirement to maintain the Designations?

Yes. AMPC/AMP and PMPC designation holders must complete a minimum of 12 Continuing Education Units (CEU) each year. The minimum of 12 is to be comprised of 8 CEUs from the Professional Development category and 4 CEUs from the Compulsory category. Included in the 12 CEUs is the annual designation renewal which will be comprised of 1-3 CEUs depending on the year and content. Designation holders can earn CEUs through courses or seminars offered either by MPC or by other approved industry participants. MPC will consider these third-party courses on a case by case basis to determine any eligible CE credit attributable.

Designation holders will also be required to maintain their designation level by completing an annual renewal education course, provided by MPC.

2. I am an AMP and am not interested in the AMPC. What happens?

AMP designates will continue to hold the AMP designation, provided they complete the annual renewal process. To continue to hold the AMP, Designates must obtain the required CE units annually, as well as the completion of the renewal education course. Please see further details in FAQ #1. AMPs cannot use the AMPC Designation since the education materials and exam process are different. However, the AMP will continue to be recognized as an MPC member Designation for the purposes of MPC event and education pricing. Existing AMPs need not obtain the AMPC before registering for the PMPC. AMPs will be granted an equivalency and exemption from the AMPC program.

3. I am an AMP but am interested in the new AMPC/PMPC. What happens?

We encourage all AMPs to take the new Designation programs! Existing AMPs need not obtain the AMPC before registering for the PMPC. AMPs will be granted an equivalency and exemption from the AMPC Designation and are able to register directly into the PMPC Designation program.

4. How long do I have to complete the 40 hours of study?

Registrants are provided access to the online course materials for up to 24 months. Exams for the AMPC are integrated into the online course platform, and can be taken any time after completing each individual course. For the PMPC Exam sittings occur on demand and can be booked at a time convenient to you. We strongly recommend that students attempt the exam within 1 year of registering to provide themselves with ample time and opportunity to rewrite the exam if they are initially unsuccessful.

5. Is there a specific annual renewal date? Or is it an anniversary date from registration?

There is not currently a specific renewal date. Students will be granted the Designation upon successfully challenging the exam and receiving a mark equal to or greater than 75%. The renewal course will be refreshed and released on an annual basis to ensure students remain current. Once the course is made available, students will be informed and have ample opportunity to complete it.

6. What format is the learning?

The Designations are currently provided in an online format only and offered in a self-study format.

7. How will the exam be delivered?

Exams for the AMPC are integrated into the online course platform, and can be taken any time after completing each individual course. For the PMPC exams are delivered on demand and online via live proctor.

8. What are the program and exam fees?

The AMPC Designation registration fee is $549. This fee includes access to course materials online and one exam registration. If students are unsuccessful in their initial attempt, subsequent exam fees for second or third attempts are $195. 

The PMPC program fee is $549. This fee includes access to course materials online and one exam registration. If students are unsuccessful in their initial attempt, subsequent exam fees for second or third attempts are $195. 

The renewal fee for the AMP will no longer be required, but there will be a registration fee for the required compulsory MPC course, which will be introduced at $95 for the 2022 calendar year.

9. Is there a broker stream and a separate non-broker stream?

The new Designations are designed for all industry participants! In our view, professionals will benefit from a knowledge base that encompasses many functions within our industry. Thus, creating a more well-rounded education. For example, lender underwriters with a strong understanding of a broker’s role are stronger underwriters, and similarly, agents and brokers are stronger practitioners when they better understand the underwriter’s role. The course provides industry perspectives for all participants!

10. I am an AMF (Quebec) licenced mortgage broker; how do I report my PDU's once I have completed one of the AMPC Courses?

Please e-mail formation@MonPHC.ca with your completion certificate and your AMF licence number and we will report your credits directly to the AMF on your behalf. 

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