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Regulatory CE in Ontario

2026 Continuing Education for ON Mortgage Agents Level 1 & 2

The Financial Services Regulator Authority (FSRA) has announced new 2026 licence renewal requirements in accordance with Ontario Regulation 409/07 subsection 9(1)4. Among the changes, licensees are now required to complete TWO continuing education (CE) components:  


  1. Conduct CE 
    Mortgage Professionals Canada will be offering the 2026 Ontario Conduct Continuing Education Course for Mortgage Agents which fulfills this requirement. The course will become available as soon as FSRA provides approval to all education providers to do so. 

  2. Technical knowledge/professional development CE 
    This component requires the completion of 10 Technical Knowledge/Professional Development CE hours every two-year CE cycle based on topics mandated by FSRA. Mortgage Professionals Canada offers a variety of CE courses and educational events to help you fulfill this requirement.  


Important: The license renewal application will now be submitted through the Principal Broker, who must retain a record of completion in case of audit. These CE requirements must be completed and reported to FSRA by March 31, 2026. 

For more information about how to renew your license and to review a list of eligible CE topics, visit FSRA’s website using the links below:


If FSRA requires you to complete the the course for the previous cycle, please contact education@mpc.ca to register. 


Click here to view the BROKER version

Click here to review the course policies prior to registering.


Register for an in-class or virtual class offering of the 2026 Ontario Continuing Education Course for mortgage AGENTS.

Course Price 


Register for the online 2026 Ontario Continuing Education Course for Mortgage AGENTS.

Course Price



The course is offered in an HTML format to make it easier and more convenient to complete on a variety of devices; for the best user experience, a desktop or laptop computer is recommended. The course is available immediately after registration, and can be accessed on-demand, any time. Information is presented in modules allowing you to progress at your own pace, whether in one sitting, or a section at a time. This course takes roughly (5) five hours to complete.


In-class courses are facilitated either in-person at MPC's head office or virtually via video conferencing (Zoom) by an experienced MPC instructor and provide the opportunity for participants to discuss the topics and engage with other industry professionals in an open and inclusive setting.

All in-class sessions for the Ontario Continuing Education for Mortgage Agents run from 9:00am to 3:00pmAttendance for the full day is mandatory in order to successfully complete the course!



In order to register for this course, your online profile must include your legal name, as licensed, and your Ontario Mortgage agent/broker licence number. If you have not already done so, please add these details to your profile. Without them, your course completion cannot be successfully reported to FSRA.

2026 Continuing Education for ON Mortgage Brokers


The Financial Services Regulator Authority (FSRA) has announced new 2026 licence renewal requirements in accordance with Ontario Regulation 409/07 subsection 9(1)4. Among the changes, licensees are now required to complete TWO continuing education (CE) components: 


  1. Conduct CE 
    Mortgage Professionals Canada will be offering the 2026 Ontario Conduct Continuing Education Course for Mortgage Brokers which fulfills this requirement. The course will become available as soon as FSRA provides approval to all education providers to do so. 

  2. Technical knowledge/professional development CE 
    This component requires the completion of 10 Technical Knowledge/Professional Development CE hours every two-year CE cycle based on topics mandated by FSRA. Mortgage Professionals Canada offers a variety of CE courses and educational events to help you fulfill this requirement. 



Important: The license renewal application will now be submitted through the Principal Broker, who must retain a record of completion in case of audit. These CE requirements must be completed and reported to FSRA by March 31, 2026. 

For more information about how to renew your license and to review a list of eligible CE topics, visit FSRA’s webpage for renewing a mortgage broker license.


If FSRA requires you to complete the the course for the previous cycle, please contact education@mpc.ca to register. 


Click here to view the AGENT level 1 & 2 version

Click here to review the course policies prior to registering.


Register for an in-class or virtual class offering of the 2026 Ontario Continuing Education Course for Mortgage BROKERS.

Course Price 


Register for the online 2026 Ontario Continuing Education Course for Mortgage BROKERS.

Course Price



The course is offered in an HTML format to make it easier and more convenient to complete on a variety of devices; for the best user experience, a desktop or laptop computer is recommended. The course is available immediately after registration, and can be accessed on-demand, any time. Information is presented in modules allowing you to progress at your own pace, whether in one sitting, or a section at a time. This course takes roughly (7) seven hours to complete.


In-class courses are facilitated either in-person at MPC's head office or virtually via video conferencing (Zoom) by an experienced MPC instructor and provide the opportunity for participants to discuss the topics and engage with other industry professionals in an open and inclusive setting.

All in-class sessions for the Ontario Continuing Education for Mortgage Brokers run from 9:00am to 5:00pmAttendance for the full day is mandatory in order to successfully complete the course!



In order to register for this course, your online profile must include your legal name, as licensed, and your Ontario Mortgage agent/broker licence number. If you have not already done so, please add these details to your profile. Without them, your course completion cannot be successfully reported to FSRA.


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