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Hill Day 2020

Feb 19, 2020, 00:00 AM by User Not Found
#MPCHillDay promotes MPC’s key advocacy issues, focusing on the effects federal mortgage policies place on the brokering sector’s tens of thousands clients, including many aspiring homeowners across Canada. Our team of member volunteers from across Canada spread out over a busy day in Ottawa to meet with dozens of influential public representatives. Our MPC member volunteers for #MPCHillDay 2020 are:  Chair Elaine Taylor* (Ontario), Gilles Bouillon (Quebec), Mary Swaffield (Alberta), Michelle Drover (Nova Scotia), Sarah Nixon-Miller (Nova Scotia), Dustan Woodhouse (British Columbia), Kris Barnier (Ontario), Secretary Tracy Valko* (Ontario), Caily MacGregor (Manitoba), Pat Dell (Saskatchewan), Vice Chair Dong Lee (Ontario), Treasurer Joe Pinheiro* (Ontario), Mathieu Lebrun* (Quebec), Hali Noble* (British Columbia), Claude Girard* (Quebec) and Ryan Spence (Alberta).  (* denotes MPC Board Member)
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