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Ontario March 31st Deadline for Continuing Education and AIR

Mar 23, 2020, 10:49 AM by Mortgage Professionals Canada
Discussions with FSRA regarding the March 31st deadline for FSRA Mandatory Continuing Education and Annual Information Return, posing a major risk to many of our Ontario agents and brokers during the COVID-19 crisis.

MARCH 24 - UPDATE: the AIR filing deadline date has been extended until June 30th: Read Announcement Here


Mortgage Professionals Canada has heard from many of our Ontario agent and broker members that, given the current market dislocation due to the COVID-19 outbreak, meeting the March 31st deadline for FSRA Mandatory Continuing Education and Annual Information Return (AIR) will pose a significant challenge.

We have expressed these concerns directly with FSRA senior leadership. FSRA is looking at ways to alleviate the business challenges our community is facing, but were unable to immediately implement an extension. The March 31st deadline is prescribed in regulations for both the license expiry date (On. Reg. 409/07) and the required AIR filing (On. Reg. 193/08). As such, granting an extension would require legislative action.
With that said, FSRA are understanding of the situation and are examining all options available to provide support.
We will keep you informed of any further developments. 
For the 2020 Ontario Continuing Education Course, please click here
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