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Deferring of Licensing Fees in Nova Scotia

Apr 9, 2020, 16:26 PM by Mortgage Professionals Canada
The province of Nova Scotia announces deferring of licensing fees until June 30th, 2020, to provide breathing room during COVID-19.

Today, Service Nova Scotia sent us the following announcement, intended for all brokers and lenders in Nova Scotia:


Our goal is to assist businesses currently operating and allow them some breathing room during COVID-19. We are taking the approach of deferring licensing fees to alleviate the burden on your business. The province announced today that business fees will be deferred until June 30th, 2020. 

If you have a renewal for your business license that is due on March 31st, April 30th or May 30th the government  will defer the payment of fees and acceptance of renewal applications until June 30th, 2020. 

If you receive a renewal letter from our office it will be due on June 30th, 2020. 

If you have already returned your renewal and payment, thank you.  Your license will be issued and mailed when completed.

If you have any questions regarding your renewal or these changes please email reglicensing@novascotia.ca.


We thank Kelly Wyer (Deputy Registrar, Mortgage Brokers, Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services) and the Government of Nova Scotia for discussing the issue with us in recent days and weeks, and for helping the industry with today’s announcement.

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