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MBRCC Forms COVID-19 Working Group

Apr 16, 2020, 13:46 PM by Mortgage Professionals Canada
MBRCC forms COVID-19 working group to understand and respond to current and emerging issues

Mortgage Broker Regulators' Council of Canada made this announcement on their website:

TORONTO – the Mortgage Broker Regulators’ Council of Canada (MBRCC) has formed a working group with the mortgage broker industry to understand and respond to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry and Canadians more broadly.
Representatives from all of MBRCC’s member jurisdictions are meeting with representatives from the Canadian Mortgage Brokers’ Association (CMBA) and Mortgage Professionals Canada (MPC) on a weekly basis to discuss current and emerging issues, and coordinated regulatory responses where necessary.
“Our aim is to work collaboratively with members and the industry to identify challenges and develop solutions in order to enhance consumer protection in the face of disruption,” said Alaina Nicholson, Chair of the MBRCC and Director of Consumer Affairs at the Financial and Consumer Services Commission of New Brunswick.
Chris Carter, Chair of MBRCC’s COVID-19 working group and VP and Deputy Registrar at the BC Financial Services Authority added, “We as regulators welcome open lines of communication with industry and consumers as we navigate these challenging times.”

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