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Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) Extended Another Eight Weeks

Jun 17, 2020, 10:46 AM by Mortgage Professionals Canada
CERB will now provide taxable payments of up to $500 a week for a maximum of 24 weeks, up from 16 weeks.
It was announced Tuesday, June 16, that CERB will now provide taxable payments of up to $500 a week for a maximum of 24 weeks, up from 16 weeks, to Canadians who have lost income due to COVID-19. The first Canadians who applied for CERB were due to receive their last payments in July, but the expiry date of CERB payments for its earliest applicants has now been extended through the summer.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed a need for the extension given the three million Canadians currently looking for work in a stalled economy.
The link to apply for CERB is HERE
Full details of the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, for individuals and businesses, can be found HERE
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