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This week, Mortgage Professionals Canada, with the assistance of your Manitoba Chapter members, delivered a letter to Scott Fielding, Manitoba‘s Minister of Finance. It requests immediate remedies to the red tape and public safety issues the province’s mortgage brokering community continues to wrestle with.
Members in Manitoba have voiced continuing concern regarding the need to capture “wet ink” or in person signatures to complete mortgage fundings, an issue that is additionally frustrating given the electronic signature permissions granted to Realtors in the province. With COVID-19 cases continually rising, Shirl Funk and our team felt it especially important to act to address the issue quickly. Click here to view the letter.
We thank Keith Schinkel, Registrar of the Real Estate Division of the Manitoba Securities Commission, for his time and guidance. We also thank Minister Fielding’s office and Premier Pallister’s government for their recognition of this pressing issue, and hope that action will be quick. We will update you as warranted.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to forward them to us. Thank you.