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Q4 2020 Housing Market Digests Released

Jan 29, 2021, 08:25 AM by Mortgage Professionals Canada
A snapshot and trend analysis of the Canadian - and respective regional - housing markets is now available for Q4 2020.


Mortgage Professionals Canada and its Chief Economist Will Dunning produce monthly Housing Market Digests to provide a snapshot and trend analysis of the Canadian - and respective regional - housing markets. Content within these reports includes information around housing starts, the resale market, employment trends, interest rates, and more. 

Digests for Canada are produced every month, while reports on other provinces are produced roughly every quarter. We are pleased to announce that data for the fourth quarter of 2020 is now available for all Canadian provinces as well as a look at January 2021 in Canada.

Please click here to read the Q4 2020 Housing Market Digests. We encourage you to share these reports.

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