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As the voice of the mortgage broker channel, our Government Relations Team is always advocating for you. Traditionally, one of our most impactful Government Relations initiatives is Hill Day, an annual event where we meet with a series of government officials during one exciting and informative day.
While the pandemic has changed the way we're able to safely hold meetings, it did not stop Hill Day 2021. In fact, the ease of meeting electronically allowed us to extend this year’s Hill Day into the first ever Hill Week. More meetings, more valuable discussions, more opportunities to reinforce the importance of the broker channel to Canadians and our economy.
Hill Week 2021 was such a successful and impressive initiative, that our efforts were featured in a recent article published in the well-regarded Hill Times. It was noted that MPC was the "busiest group" they profiled, with 54 virtual meetings as part of our Hill Week.
To ensure that all of our members, not just Hill Times subscribers, are able to enjoy this piece, we have purchased it. Please click here to dive into the article and discover Samantha Wright Allen's take on MPC's Hill Week.
On behalf of our Chair, Dong Lee, and our Board of Directors, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the dedicated MPC member volunteers who shared their time and expertise as part of this initiative. Without them, these initiatives would not be possible. Thank you!
Hill Week 2021: MPC Member Volunteers
Listed Alphabetically by Province
British Columbia