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Joint recommendations provided with CMBA-Ontario.
G&M seeks our input on pressure to help homebuyers in March budget.
Read statement on reintroduction of 30-year ams on insured mortgages.
Valuable tool for members when meeting with election candidates.
Successful meetings held in advance of transfer of regulatory oversight.
We are encouraging meetings with government officials on affordability and their election campaign.
We have submitted a revised Pre-Budget Consultations document in advance of the 2019 Budget.
Housing markets across Canada slowed significantly in 2018 as a result of higher interest rates coupled with mortgage stress tests and other policy changes that have constrained homebuying. Read the full report under the Membership tab > Resources and Publications > Consumer Reports.
President Paul Taylor held meetings with the Managing Director, Financial Stability Department at the Bank of Canada; the Advisor to the Governor at the Bank of Canada as well as the Superindentent of OSFI.
The Minister of Service Alberta has advised RECA of a review to examine governance & operations.
We are pleased to be one of the lobbying groups having the most contact with public officials.
We are pleased to have been recognized and featured in The Hill Times publication as one of the groups having the most contact with public officials in Ottawa.