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All News

  • MPC applauds Prime Minister’s order to review the mortgage stress test

    Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released his Mandate Letter to Minister of Finance Bill Morneau.

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    Prime Minister orders review of Mortgage Stress Test

    Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released his Mandate Letter to Minister of Finance Bill Morneau. One of the prime minister’s stated priorities is that his minister must “review and consider recommendations from financial agencies related to making the borrower stress test more dynamic.” Our board, staff, and a roster of members who joined us in Ottawa for our meetings have spoken, and been heard. Indeed, this month in Ottawa, members of MPC’s senior staff met with policymakers to discuss housing policies under a new minority government situation. All were receptive to reviewing the stress test mechanism based on recommendations and testimony MPC presented through 2019; today’s announcement by Prime Minister Trudeau is proof positive of our efforts.

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    FSRA's Changes to Non-Qualified Syndicated Mortgage Investment Disclosure

    The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) has introduced amended disclosure forms for non-qualified syndicated mortgages. The amended forms, which are now in effect, are: 1) Form 3.0 - Information about Investor/Lender in a Non-Qualified Syndicated Mortgage, 2) Form 3.1 - Suitability Assessment for Investor/Lender in a Non-Qualified Syndicated Mortgage, and 3) Form 3.2 - Disclosure Statement for Investor/Lender in a Non-Qualified Syndicated Mortgage. Please visit the FSRA website for more details.

  • Queens Park

    FSRA's Changes to Non-Qualified Syndicated Mortgage Investment Disclosure

    FSRA has introduced amended disclosure forms for non-qualified syndicated mortgages.

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    Get Your Fall Savings

    Planning on vising the U.S for American Thanksgiving or Black Friday shopping? Don't miss the exclusive offers on theme parks, shows, attractions and more. Plus, celebrate the season with deep discounts on a wide variety of fantastic concerts! Check out the savings under the Member Benefits Program under Membership.

  • Parliament Hill

    Federal Election - After the Results

    What the Results of the 2019 Federal Election Mean To You

  • Mid-Election Update and Party Promises

    A Summary of Federal Party Promises Which May Affect You And Your Clients

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    Mid-Election Update and Party Promises

    To help you make an informed decision on October 21, we have prepared a comprehensive overview of the political promises of each party which may affect our mortgage brokering community and existing and aspiring homebuyers. There is also a summary chart for easy reference. Visit the advocacy section for more details.

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    MBLAA Review Recommendations Adopted

    The Ontario Ministry of Finance released the results of its review of the Mortgage Brokers, Lenders and Administrators Act (MBLAA). Since December 2018, we have been actively advising on the review and Ontario’s mortgage brokering sector with senior stakeholders. In January, President and CEO Paul Taylor and CMBA Ontario Executive Director Robert Gubbins submitted their joint recommendations. The recommendations must still be approved by the government but we are proud to be an important player in the legislative process on behalf of our Ontario members.

  • MBLAA Review Recommendations Adopted

    MPC is pleased that many of its MBLAA review recommendations were adopted by Ontario Ministry of Finance.

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    Survey Reveals Perceptions of First-Time Buyers

    The latest consumer research report reveals that buying a home in 2019 is hard work and stressful. The report examines Canadians’ reaction to the First-Time Home Buyers Incentive, and the impacts of government mortgage regulations. To view the report, click the First-Timers Finding It Hard to the right under Advocacy in Action section.

  • First-Timers Finding It Hard

    New report examines perceptions of Canadians aged 23-54

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