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All News

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    Ontario Essential Services

    Premier of Ontario ordered all non-essential workplaces to close, effective 11.59 pm tonight. More details provided to how this affects mortgage brokers.

  • Queens Park

    Ontario March 31st Deadline for Continuing Education and AIR

    Discussions with FSRA regarding the March 31st deadline for FSRA Mandatory Continuing Education and Annual Information Return, posing a major risk to many of our Ontario agents and brokers during the COVID-19 crisis.

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    COVID-19: Mortgage Relief Programs

    Many banks and mortgage lenders have announced they will work to support and assist individuals whose income has been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak.

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    Free Course on COVID-19

    Mortgage Professionals Canada is offering a free online course to assist the mortgage community in learning about COVID-19. Topics include learning the signs, symptoms, and modes of transmission, how to care for COVID-19 patients at home, and workplace preparedness.

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    Vancouver Mortgage Symposium Postponed

    We are postponing our planned Vancouver symposium, originally scheduled for April 23rd, and will announce an alternate date in the near future.

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    COVID-19 and Economic Impacts

    Summary of recent changes and announcements from government officials in reaction to the growing concerns about COVID-19

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    Feedback to Initial Adjustment of the Mortgage Stress Test

    MPC welcomed Tuesday's announcement by Finance Minister Bill Morneau to adjust the mortgage stress test as a good "first step." Since its implementation, many credit-worthy Canadians from coast to coast have been disqualified from homeownership because of regulatory changes to mortgage eligibility and insurability.

  • MPC applauds Federal Government's initial adjustment to mortgage stress test

    Reaction to the announcement by Finance Minister Bill Morneau to adjust the mortgage stress test.

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    Hill Day 2020

    #MPCHillDay promotes MPC’s key advocacy issues, focusing on the effects federal mortgage policies place on the brokering sector’s tens of thousands clients, including many aspiring homeowners across Canada. Our team of member volunteers from across Canada spread out over a busy day in Ottawa to meet with dozens of influential public representatives. Our MPC member volunteers for #MPCHillDay 2020 are:  Chair Elaine Taylor* (Ontario), Gilles Bouillon (Quebec), Mary Swaffield (Alberta), Michelle Drover (Nova Scotia), Sarah Nixon-Miller (Nova Scotia), Dustan Woodhouse (British Columbia), Kris Barnier (Ontario), Secretary Tracy Valko* (Ontario), Caily MacGregor (Manitoba), Pat Dell (Saskatchewan), Vice Chair Dong Lee (Ontario), Treasurer Joe Pinheiro* (Ontario), Mathieu Lebrun* (Quebec), Hali Noble* (British Columbia), Claude Girard* (Quebec) and Ryan Spence (Alberta).  (* denotes MPC Board Member)

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    Introducing the Accredited Mortgage Professional of Canada Designation Program

    Mortgage Professionals Canada, in partnership with the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia, is pleased to announce the launch of the Accredited Mortgage Professional of Canada (AMPC) Designation Program - the first of our new 3 educational designation programs! Visit the education department for more information on this new program.

  • Submission Response to FCNB

    MPC’s January 2020 response to FCNB’s Consultation Paper on incidental selling of insurance in New Brunswick.

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    Submission Response to the FCNB

    MPC’s January 2020 response to FCNB’s Consultation Paper on incidental selling of insurance in New Brunswick has been released. Please visit the provincial advocacy section for more details.

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