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All News

  • BC Parliament

    Advocacy Day in British Columbia

    Volunteers & staff met with MLAs & other officials to discuss the value mortgage brokers play in B.C.

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    Advocacy Day at BC Legislature

    Volunteers and staff held some 50 meetings with MLAs and other government officials in Victoria to discuss the value mortgage brokers play in the BC housing market as well as discuss ways to improve housing affordability for British Columbians.

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    Director Hali Noble Joins MAE Team

    BC Director, Hali Noble assumes the role of Vice Chair of the Mortgage Awards of Excellence. She will take on the role of Chair the following year.

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    National Mortgage Conference

    Some 1,200+ mortgage professionals gathered in Montreal for the largest industry gathering of the year. Thank you to all those involved in helping to make an event of this magnitude a reality. See you next year!

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    2018 Hall of Fame Inductees

    Congratulations to this year's Hall of Fame inductees, Debbie McPherson and Bill Nugent.

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    Industry Award Winners

    Congratulations to this year's Industry Award Winners: Suzanne Fleur de Lys-Aujla (Michael Ellenzweig Outstanding Service Award); Ryan Spence (Founders Award); and First National Financial LP (Partners in Excellence Award).

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    Meeting of the Minds

    We were pleased to participate in a national housing meeting with CHBA, CREA, Genworth, AIC and CCUA to discuss shared interests and common messaging to government.

  • B20 Submission

    Common Housing Message to Government

    We were pleased to participate in national housing discussions on common messaging to government.

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    Advocating on Parliament Hill

    A delegation of volunteers held meetings with MPs and Opposition Leader, Andrew Sheer to raise awareness of our industry and its economic impact as well as housing affordability, and rule changes to younger Canadians.

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    2019 Pre-Budget Consultation

    In our continued efforts to lobby government in support of assistance to first-time homebuyers and middle-class Canadians, we were pleased to have provided testimony at a 2019 pre-budget consultation process earlier this fall. President and CEO, Paul Taylor and Past Chair Mark Kerzner presented our collective recommendations for how the 2019 federal budget can ensure homeownership affordability and increase competition within the Canadian mortgage market.

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    FSRA Notice and Request for Comment

    We are engaged with Ontario’s new independent regulatory agency FSRA (Financial Services Regulatory Authority). They have posted a Notice and Request for Comment on assessments and fees which we will be reviewing and providing comment on behalf of the membership.

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    New Oversight of B.C. Financial Services Sector

    Following the Ministry of Finance consultation in the spring of this year, the B.C. government has announced their intention to update the structure of FICOM. Legislation to update the structure of FICOM to make it an independent Crown agency will be introduced in the spring of 2019.

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