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All News

  • blank product

    Tell Your MPP: 2018 Ontario Election Campaign

    We are pleased to introduce a letter writing campaign that allows Ontarians to send a message directly to their local candidate about the need for a strong and stable housing market. The initiative was designed to maximize our efforts to help implement policies that improve housing supply and provide assistance to those aspiring to enter the market. For more information, visit tellyourmpp.ca.

  • blank product

    2018 Mortgage Awards of Excellence

    Representing the pinnacle of professional achievement in the Canadian mortgage industry, this inaugural event honoured the outstanding achievements and contributions of industry professionals in a variety of categories. The awards ceremony was a resounding success and we were proud to support this celebration of industry excellence.

  • blank product

    7th Annual RPS Property Summit

    CEO Paul Taylor participated in the Mortgage Alternatives panel at the 7th Annual RPS Property Summit, discussing the new mortgage landscape, and also provided an overview on the changing options and alternatives available to consumers.

  • Mortgage Professionals Canada

    Statement Regarding Action Taken Against a Syndicate Mortgage Provider in Ontario

    Recent action taken by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) against Fortress Real Estate Developments Inc.

  • Queens Park

    Ontario Bill 148 – What You Need To Know

    Bill 148, also known as Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 includes a number of changes to both the Employment Standards Act, 2000, the Labour Relations Act, 1995, and the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

  • blank product

    Mortgage Expedition: The 2018 Alberta Convention

    We are very excited to be collaborating once again with AMBA on this fantastic industry event which includes new opportunities for achieving professional and personal success. By combining our resources, insights and expertise, we are able to reach new heights in terms of serving our members more effectively. www.albertaconvention.com

  • blank product

    Ontario Advocacy: Annual Queen's Park Day

    Members attended the second annual Queen’s Park Advocacy Day in Toronto. Volunteers held over 30 meetings with MPPs, Ministers, and senior staff to discuss housing accessibility and affordability in the province.

  • House-Rates

    Discussion Paper on Posted Mortgage Interest Rates

    Insight and analysis into the Bank of Canada’s posted rates, & their effect on the mortgage market.

  • Taxes

    Tax Code Submission

    Our recommendations to the federal government to limit the impact the proposed tax changes could have on member businesses.

  • B20 Submission

    Submission to OSFI

    Our formal written submission to OSFI, in response to the recently released draft changes to Guideline B-20.

  • Parliament Hill

    Recent Federal Mortgage Eligibility Changes

    An overview of the recent federal mortgage eligibility changes and our recommendations to the government.

  • Winnipeg

    Update from MSC

    A notice from the Manitoba Securities Commission (MSC) advising of proposed increases in registration and renewal fees for brokers, authorized officials, and salespersons.

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