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Service Alberta Reviews RECA

Dec 5, 2018, 15:59 PM by Mortgage Professionals Canada
The Minister of Service Alberta has advised RECA of a review to examine governance & operations.

Recognized as an important contributor to the real estate industry and a key stakeholder for the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA), Mortgage Professionals Canada recently received notice from the Honourable Brian Malkinson, Minister of Service Alberta, of an upcoming review of RECA's governance and operations.

We support industry-wide transparency and openness and welcome the opportunity to strengthen our stakeholder relations with regulators. We are looking forward to working collaboratively with AMBA in our discussions with and submissions to both RECA and Service Alberta.

Our members can rest assured, we will work with The Minister and his appointed reviewer in any way that is requested. In doing so, we remain mindful of the protection of both consumers and the mortgage broker and partner roles in real estate transactions in the province.

RECA informed its license holders of the review on November 28, 2018. More information will be released as available.


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